الحجم: 280 مل
صنع يدوي. مكونات طبيعية. كبريتات مجانا. مناسب للشخص النباتي. القسوة المجانية. بارابين مجانا. خالي من السموم. خالي من الماء
يتم استخلاص زبدة الشيا العضوية غير المكررة من غانا بشكل أخلاقي من جوز الشيا ولها لون أصفر زبداني مع رائحة كريمية غنية. معبأ بالعناصر الغذائية المحببة للبشرة ، غني بمضادات الأكسدة ، يرطب البشرة الجافة ويحميها. تشتهر زبدة الشيا بخصائصها العلاجية والحماية والترطيب. غني بحمض القرفة ، كما أنه يحمي البشرة من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية وبالتالي يمكن تضمينه في منتجات العناية بالبشرة بعد العناية بالشمس. الخيار الأول في منتجات العناية الطبيعية بالبشرة والعناية بالجسم ، وهو مثالي لوصفات التجميل التي تصنعها بنفسك مثل زبدة الجسم والبلسم. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة والشعر.
مكونات: زبدة الشيا العضوية الخام غير المكررة
عناية بالجلد
استخدم زبدة الشيا لوحده كمرطب لكامل الجسم أو قم بتجفيفه ببضع قطرات من الزيوت الأساسية للحصول على فوائد إضافية.
العناية بالشعر
زبدة الشيا ممتازة لشعرك ، عند وضعها على أطراف الشعر لترطيب إضافي. إنه يمنح الشعر لمعانًا ، ويلطفه ويساعد في تحديد أنماط شعر معينة ، والقليل منه يقطع شوطًا طويلاً. يمكن أن يساعد في الحفاظ على شعرك خاليًا من التجعد لأنه يحبس الرطوبة ويحمي من العناصر البيئية.
جمال DIY
استخدم زبدة الشيا لتنشيط تركيباتك محلية الصنع. يمكن مزجه مع الزيوت الحاملة ، والزبدة الأخرى ، والزيوت الأساسية والمكونات الطبيعية الأخرى لاختراق الجمال ولصنع علاجات التجميل الخاصة بك.
تخزين: يجب أن يتم تخزينها في مكان مظلم وبارد ولها مدة صلاحية تصل إلى 24 شهرًا من فتحها عند تخزينها بشكل صحيح.
الاسم الكامل
آراء المستهلكين
This keeps my hand moisturized all day! The amazing thing about this is that it last a long time, so just a little at a time keeps your hand moisturized all through winter.
This leaves your lips as sexy as ever!! I really love this scrub both for the face and the lips!
it is so amazing to see the magic this did to my face, people had to ask me what i use for my face, it was as smooth as silk!
I finished this product and I bought it again because it’s very hydrating and it smells great. Would definitely recommend!!
Leaves lips soft and smells like heaven 😁
Absolute game changer! This leaves my skin so soft, it can see a difference already in how healthy my skin looks. It leaves it with a soft glow and smells divine 😍 definitely worth buying and as you only need a small amount, it'll last ages!
Great quality, great smell and great results! This always leaves me feeling refreshed and it's helping combat oil and acne so it's a winner for me!
I absolutely love the scent!! the smell is heavenly and rejuvenates my skin. My bathroom smells absolutely gorgeous after use. I cant wait for winter so i can use it more!
I love the African soap!! It smells so fragrant from the natural ingredients and leaves my skin so smooth and clean., perfect for my skin type as at the end of the day my skin is slightly oily and this gets rid of that instantly so mt skin ready for moisturizer.
My face has been breaking out and using the African black face soap has calmed the spots and marks on my face. Not only does it smell amazing it also soothing and lasts longer. I would also recommend using the face balm after cleansing your face. it makes my skin smooth, silky and also nourishes my skin. These are definitely my go to products. I will 100% recommend.
I am inlove with my superfood face mask! It detoxed and exfoliated my face so well, leaving my skin smooth and glowing!! I have a sensitive skin and this mask worked perfectly for my skin! would 100% recommend!
I absolutely love the face and lip scrub, i use it 3 times a week and it just gets rid of all the excess dirt and oil. it also really genuinely helped to clear my skin and give it a beautiful radiance.
Great Scrub! I use this before doing my makeup and it makes my face so so smooth, which makes my foundation go on so much better! I also love the smell!!!
I use the face balm on my face during facials and its luxurious and perfect for my skin even for those with oily skin combinations. It smells so nice and is so relaxing and gives such a natural glow, its in my daily skincare routine now. Thank you Pvanorganics for being such a good natural brand!
the face mask detoxify and exfoliate my face. Was pleasantly surprised it did not irritate my sensitive skin. There was an increase of blood flow as i felt my face got slightly warm while the mask was on which was good.
I call this my everything oil, literally because it does everything from pre-styling to heat resistance and fizz control. I am very pleased with the ultra hair oil as it smooth down my edges and give it extra shine. The oil is just the right amount of thickness and smells amazing!!
Pvanorganics face balm is amazing, after suffering from dry skin for so long, i finally found what works very well for my skin. It keeps my skin moisturized and smooth.
The face balm is full of goodness with endless benefits. this day and night balm is an intense moisturizer which helps my skin feeling super soft and also makes it glow instantly. It reduces blemishes, darkspots, acne and pimples. protects and repairs damaged skin.
I absolutely love the face balm. I can actually see a difference, less and less breakouts, hydrates without that heavy feel on my skin and also smells ABSOLUTELY amazing. I will definitely recommend these products. Thanks guys and that’s my face moisturiser for life now!
Thank you @pvanorganics, my skin never smelt any better and felt softer. Totally in love with all your products especially the beautiful scented body balm. #highlyrecommend